
The directionless spreading of light is called the scattering of light.

Tyndall Effect

It is the phenomenon through which the path of light gets visible in the colloidal particles. 300

Colour of Scattered Light

The colour of the light depends on the size of the particle. The fine particles scatter the blue light and the bigger particles scatter different colours. The size of the particle should be compatible with the wavelength of the colour. The smaller the particle, the more it would scatter light.

Why sky looks blue?

Because the atmosphere contains fine particles with scatter blue light more strongly than the red light. The sky appears dark in higher altitudes because there is no scattering involved.

Sun and its colour at different times

When it is at sunrise or sunset, most of the light, except red light gets scattered away, and thus it appears red (because distance is large, and red light has larger wavelength). But when it is at the top, the distance is less, and light is not much scattered, and it remains as white light.


Phy Ch10


What is the Tyndall Effect? ? It is the phenomenon through which the path of light gets visible in the colloidal particles.

The colour of the light depends on the {{size}} of the particle.

Why sky looks blue? ? Because the atmosphere contains fine particles with scatter blue light more strongly than the red light. The sky appears dark in higher altitudes because there is no scattering involved.

The {{smaller}} the particle, the more it would scatter light.