
Sexual Division of Labour

This is the improper, and implicit division of work among men and women defined by the society. For example, most household chores are usually done by women, whereas the jobs which involve pay are done by men.

Patriarchal Society

Our society is dominated by men and their work is more valued over women. This is called the Patriarchal Society.


The concept that both men and women should be given equal chance and removing the sexual division of labour is called Feminism. Any man or woman who believes that both men and women should be given equal rights and opportunities can be defined as a Feminist.

The Equal Remuneration Act, 1976

The Equal Remuneration Act, 1976 provides that equal wages should be paid to equal work.

Child-sex Ratio

In many parts of India, parents seem to prefer the birth of boys than girls, which leads to abortion of the girl child, and hence the decline of the Child-sex Ratio (Number of girl children per 1000 boys). In some states, it drops down to even 800.

Women’s representation in Politics

There’s a very low amount of women’s representation in politics in India. The percentage of elected women members in Lok Sabha has touched 14.36% of total in 2019.

How to solve it?

One way is to make a clear reservation for the women in legislatures. That has been done in the Panchayati Raj, where 1/3 of the seats are reserved for the Women. Whereas, the bill for reservation of seats for Women in Lok Sabha and State Assemblies has not been passed for almost a decade.


Civics Ch3


What is the sexual division of work in India? ? This is the improper, and implicit division of work among men and women defined by the society. For example, most household chores are usually done by women, whereas the jobs which involve pay are done by men.

What is Feminism? ? The concept that both men and women should be given equal chance and removing the sexual division of labour is called Feminism.

Who is a feminist? ? Any man or woman who believes that both men and women should be given equal rights and opportunities can be defined as a Feminist.

What does the Equal Renumeration Act of 1976 state? ? The Equal Remuneration Act, 1976 provides that equal wages should be paid to equal work.

What is the Child-Sex Ratio? ? Number of girl children per 1000 boys.

How is the representation of Women in politics in India? ? There’s a very low amount of women’s representation in politics in India. The percentage of elected women members in Lok Sabha has touched 14.36% of total in 2019.

How to increase the representation of Women in politics? ? One way is to make a clear reservation for the women in legislatures. That has been done in the Panchayati Raj, where 1/3 of the seats are reserved for the Women. Whereas, the bill for reservation of seats for Women in Lok Sabha and State Assemblies has not been passed for almost a decade.