
Movement in Plants

Movement in Plants

Chemical Coordination

There is no Nervous System in Plants. The control and coordination is done by chemicals. Special chemical called hormones are secreted which have different purposes to transmit information in all of the cells, unlike nervous system, where the transmission is limited to the neurons and the cells near it.

Hormones in Plants

  • Auxin - Promotes cell enlargement in shady part of the tip of the shoot. Helps in growth
  • Gibberellins - Promotes cell enlargement and growth
  • Cytokinin - Promotes cell division.
  • Abscisic Acid - Stops plant growth, causes wilting of leaves
  • Ethylene - Stops plant growth


Bio Ch6


What are nastic movements? ? Movements independent of growth, like response to a stimulus.

What are tropic movements? ? Movements related to growth

  • Photo-tropism - Light
  • Geo-tropism - Gravity
  • Chemo-tropism - Chemicals
  • Hydro-tropism - Water

How do plants coordinate? ? There is no Nervous System in Plants. The control and coordination is done by chemicals. Special chemical called hormones are secreted which have different purposes to transmit information in all of the cells, unlike nervous system, where the transmission is limited to the neurons and the cells near it.

Hormones in Plants? ?

  • Auxin - Promotes cell enlargement in shady part of the tip of the shoot. Helps in growth
  • Gibberellins - Promotes cell enlargement and growth
  • Cytokinin - Promotes cell division.
  • Abscisic Acid - Stops plant growth, causes wilting of leaves
  • Ethylene - Stops plant growth