
There are three list by which the jurisdiction of each level of govt. is defined in specific subjects.

Union List

  • Contains subjects which are of national importance.
  • Only Central Govt. can make laws in the subjects mentioned here.
  • Subjects include: Defence, banking, foreign affairs, communication, etc.
  • Total 97 Subjects.

State List

  • Contains subjects which are of state and local importance.
  • Only State Govt. can make laws in the subjects mentioned here.
  • Subjects include: Police, trade, irrigatino, agriculture, commerce etc.
  • Total 66 Subjects.

Concurrent List

  • Contains subjects which are of common interest in national and state level.
  • Both Central and State govt. can make laws in the subjects mentioned here.
  • Subjects include: Education, forest, trade union, marriage, adoption etc.
  • If their laws conflict with each other, the law made by Central govt. is generally preferred.
  • 52 Subjects

Residuary Power

The Central govt. has the power to legislate on topics which does not fall into these lists or which have come up after the making of the constitution. These are called “residuary” subjects. Example: Computer Science, cybercrime, etc.


Federalism in India


Why are there lists of subject matter? What are those? ? To state the jurisdiction of each level of government, and to share power. There are three lists: Union, State and Concurrent. Central govt. can use Residuary Power to legislate on subjects which are new.

What is the union list? ?

  • Contains subjects which are of national importance.
  • Only Central Govt. can make laws in the subjects mentioned here.
  • Subjects include: Defence, banking, foreign affairs, communication, etc.
  • Total 97 Subjects.

What is the state list? ?

  • Contains subjects which are of state and local importance.
  • Only State Govt. can make laws in the subjects mentioned here.
  • Subjects include: Police, trade, irrigatino, agriculture, commerce etc.
  • Total 66 Subjects.

What is the concurrent list? ?

  • Contains subjects which are of common interest in national and state level.
  • Both Central and State govt. can make laws in the subjects mentioned here.
  • Subjects include: Education, forest, trade union, marriage, adoption etc.
  • If their laws conflict with each other, the law made by Central govt. is generally preferred.
  • 52 Subjects

What is the residuary power? ? The Central govt. has the power to legislate on topics which does not fall into these lists or which have come up after the making of the constitution. These are called “residuary” subjects. Example: Computer Science, cybercrime, etc.