
This is the longest part of the alimentary canal. It is the site for complete digestion of food. It is 6meter long and is coiled. It contains small finger like projections called Villi to absorb and move the food.


  • Herbivores have longer small intestine to digest cellulose.
  • The surface of the small intestine is folded to increase the surface area.
  • The food coming from stomach needs to be made alkaline for the pancreatic enzymes to act. This is done by Bile Juice

Digestion in Small Intestine

Small intestine receives secretion from:


Bile Juice is received from the gallbladder and bile duct. It is needed for emulsifying the fats.


It provides:

Intestinal Enzymes

no-h clean


Enzymes Digestive System


What is the small intestine? ? This is the longest part of the alimentary canal. It is the site for complete digestion of food. It is 6meter long and is coiled. It contains small finger like projections called Villi to absorb and move the food.

How does digestion happens in small intestine? ? It receives secretion from Pancreas, Liver and the Intestine itself and the enzymes break down the food. Villi then absorbs the foods which then is used to obtain energy to repair and maintain the cells of the body.

Small Intestine receives secretion from what? and what do they do? ? Small intestine receives secretion from:


Bile Juice is received from the gallbladder and bile duct. It is needed for emulsifying the fats.


It provides:

Intestinal Enzymes

Carbs Glucose Fats Fatty acid + Glycerol Proteins Amino Acids

Why do herbivores have longer small intestine?;;To digest cellulose.

Why is the surface of small intestine folded?;;To increase the surface area to absorb more food.

Why does the food coming from stomach to small intestine needs to be made alkaline? and what does it? ? The food coming from stomach needs to be made alkaline for the pancreatic enzymes to act. This is done by Bile Juice

What does Pancreas secrete? ?

  • Pancreatic Enzyme - carbohydrates
  • Trypsin - Protein to Peptones
  • Lipase - Fats to Lipids