
Straight CCC

Pasted image 20231108212144.png we can see that a straight CCC forms a M.F. in the form of concentric circle where the centre is the conductor.

Right Hand Thumb Rule

This rule is used to find the direction of current or the direction of magnetic field of aStraight CCC. 300

Circular Loop

The circular loop forms M.F like this |500 It makes a straight line in the middle. And it makes two different poles in two different sides (like two sides of the same coin)

Connection between Direction of current and Polar Face



A solenoid is a coil made of circular loops which has a magnetic field similar to that of a bar magnet. Pasted image 20231110214323.png

Points to be noted

  • M.F is the same inside all the points of a solenoid.
  • A soft iron (Fe) can be used as a core to convert it into a electromagnet.
  • Pasted image 20231110225948.png


Magnetic Effect of Electric Current


What is the Right Hand Thumb Rule? ? This rule is used to find the direction of current or the direction of magnetic field of aStraight CCC.

A straight CCC forms a M.F. in the form of {{concentric circle}}

What is a solenoid ? A solenoid is a coil made of circular loops which has a magnetic field similar to that of a bar magnet.