
Characteristics of bases

Bases can be identified as:

  • Tastes bitter
  • Converts Red litmus Blue
  • Ionizes to form ions


With Metals

Metals are usually basic in nature, so they do not react except in a few cases where the metal is amphoteric like Zn. Then it forms a Salt and Hydrogen Gas.

where is Sodium Zincate.

With Non-metal oxides

Non metal oxides are acidic in nature, so they perform a Neutralisation Reaction.

With Water

Bases give ions when they are dissolved in water.


Chem Ch2 Acids


What are the characteristics of bases? ? Bases can be identified as:

  • Tastes bitter
  • Converts Red litmus Blue
  • Ionizes to form ions

How does a base react with a metal? ? Metals are usually basic in nature, so they do not react except in a few cases where the metal is amphoteric like Zn. Then it forms a Salt and Hydrogen Gas.

  • where is Sodium Zincate.

How does a base react with a non-metal oxide? ? Non metal oxides are acidic in nature, so they perform a Neutralisation Reaction.

What does a base in dissolved water form? ? Bases give ions when they are dissolved in water.