The Pre-Modern World


The process of globalisation is a long-drawn process, starting from 3000 BCE in ancient Indus Civilisation. People have been using cowdis from a long time as a currency.

Silk Routes

The silk routes have been a major constituent for the pre-modern trading and cultural links between the distant parts of the world. They have existed since before the Christian Era.

  • These routes joined Asia with Europe and Northern Africa.
  • Silk and pottery from China, textiles and spices from India travelled west via these routes.
  • In return, gold and silver flowed from Europe to Asia.
  • Christian missionaries and Muslim preachers travelled this route to Asia. Buddhism emerged from eastern India and spread via these routes.
  • Upanishads, Panchatantra and and other Hindu texts and culture also spread from these routes.

Food Travels

The origins of many foods are unknown, because they travelled so much. Traders and travellers introduced new crops in the lands they visited.

  • The noodles came from China to become spaghetti.
  • The Arab traders bought pasta to fifth-century Sicily (Italy).
  • Soya, groundnuts, tomatoes, potatoes, chilli, etc. were discovered in Americas much later.

Europe’s dependency on potatoes

As the new crop arrived in Europe, the poor became much dependent on it. Many died in the Irish Potato Famine of 1849 Food shortage in 1848 Europe

Conquest, Disease and Trade


  • Europeans found sea routes to Asia.
  • The Indian ocean was bustling with goods, people, knowledge, etc.
  • India was a major point for trade before 16th Century.

American Conquest

  • Before its discovery, America had been cut of from the whole world, but from 16th Century, its resources became useful to everyone.
  • Metals from South America increased Europe’s wealth. Many set off to South America in search for wealth.
  • The Portuguese and Spanish started conquering the Americas. The most powerful weapon of the Spanish was in fact, smallpox. Because the native Americans had no immunity, they were obliterated and it decimated whole communities, paving the way for conquest. The first instance of Biological Warfare.

Post 16th Century

  • Due to the poverty, hunger and conflicts, many Europeans fled to Americas.
  • By the 18th Century, plantations in Africa began producing for the European markets.
  • Until the 18th century, China and India were among the richest countries.
  • China retreated into isolation from the 15th Century. This reduced role in trade and America’s rising importance shifted trade westward.
  • Europe was now the centre of the world trade




The process of globalisation started when and where? ? From 3000 BCE in ancient Indus Civilisation.

What are silk routes and their importance? ? The silk routes have been a major constituent for the pre-modern trading and cultural links between the distant parts of the world. They have existed since before the Christian Era.

  • These routes joined Asia with Europe and Northern Africa.
  • Silk and pottery from China, textiles and spices from India travelled west via these routes.
  • In return, gold and silver flowed from Europe to Asia.
  • Christian missionaries and Muslim preachers travelled this route to Asia. Buddhism emerged from eastern India and spread via these routes.
  • Upanishads, Panchatantra and and other Hindu texts and culture also spread from these routes.

Irish Potato Famine in;;1849

India was a major point for trade before {{16th Century}}

Trace the American Conquest ?

  • Before its discovery, America had been cut of from the whole world, but from 16th Century, its resources became useful to everyone.
  • Metals from South America increased Europe’s wealth. Many set off to South America in search for wealth.
  • The Portuguese and Spanish started conquering the Americas. The most powerful weapon of the Spanish was in fact, smallpox. Because the native Americans had no immunity, they were obliterated and it decimated whole communities, paving the way for conquest. The first instance of Biological Warfare.

Until the 18th century, {{China and India}} were among the richest countries.

What had shifted trade westward? ? China retreated into isolation from the 15th Century. This reduced role in trade and America’s rising importance shifted trade westward.

Why did Europeans flee to Americas? ? Due to poverty, hunger, religious conflicts, etc.