
The Balkans

By the late 19th century, the nationalist sentiments were not the same. The nationalist groups had turned violent and the major powers resorted to Imperialism and captured weaker regions. The Balkans were a region in the Ottoman Empire whose inhabitants were known as the Slavs. The spread of romantic nationalism along with the disintegration of the Ottoman Empire made this region explosive. The Balkan states wanted independence and used history to prove that they were once independent. And thus the struggle began.


As the Slavic nations struggled to find their identity they grew jealous of each other and the region became an area of intense conflict. Meanwhile, the powers were also keen on taking hold of the region. This led to a series of war and finally the World War I. Many wars were fought, states were colonized, and new nations emerged. The country’s under Imperial domination began to show movements against it. Nationalism spread yet again, but everyone developed their own version of it. But everyone wanted nation states to be formed.


Why was the Balkan region an area of intense conflict? ? The spread of romantic nationalism along with the disintegration of the Ottoman Empire made this region explosive. The Balkan states wanted independence and used history to prove that they were once independent. As the Slavic nations struggled to find their identity they grew jealous of each other and the region became an area of intense conflict. Meanwhile, the powers were also keen on taking hold of the region. This led to a series of war and finally the World War I.

By the late 19th century, the nationalist sentiments were {{not the same}}.


Hist Ch1