

It is the most abundantly available fossil fuel in India.

Types of Coal

  1. Peat :- It is formed by decaying of plants in swamps. It has a low carbon content and low heating capacity and high moisture content.
  2. Lignite :- It low grade brown coal. It is soft and has high moisture content. It is used for electricity generation. The important lignite reserves are in Neyveli in Tamil Nadu.
  3. Bituminous :- It is the most popular coal in commercial use. High grade bituminous coal is ideal for use in metallurgy. It has special value for smelting iron in blast furnaces. It is found in greater depths.
  4. Anthracite :- This is the highest quality hard coal.

Occurrence of Coal

  • Gondwana Coal: very old.
    • Damodar valley, Godavari, etc.
  • Tertiary Coal:
    • NE States, Meghalaya, Assam, etc.


Known as Liquid Gold

  • 63% from Mumbai High, 18% from Gujarat, 16% from Assam.

Natural Gas

Very clean, very low pollution.


  • Thermal electricity :- Thermal electricity is generated by burning fossil fuels, (coal, petroleum, natural gas etc) that supplies energy to drive turbines. The thermal power stations use non-renewable resources i.e. fossil fuels for generating electricity.
  • Hydro electricity :- Hydro electricity is generated by flowing water. This energy is pollution free and commonly used all over India by constructing multipurpose projects, like Bhakra Nangal, Damodar valley, the Kopili Hydel Project, etc


Energy Resources
