
Majoritarianism is when a major group starts to impose its will on the minority.

Problems in Sri Lanka

  • In 1956, Govt. passed an act to make Sinhala the official lang. of Sri Lanka
  • Govt. favoured Sinhala speakers in jobs and admissions
  • New constitution stated that Govt. shall protect and foster Buddhism.

Impact on Tamils

  • Feeling of alienation.
  • They felt that govt. and major parties don’t care about their language and culture.
  • They felt that govt. and constitution denied Right to Equality.


  • They formed their own parties and launched strikes for equality
  • Their demands of autonomy were denied
  • Demands of seperate country (North-East)
  • Civil War
    • This caused a major setback in the socio-economic and cultural life of the country.


Belgium and Sri Lanka#Sri Lanka


What were the problems in Sri Lanka regarding majoritarianism? ?

  • In 1956, Govt. passed an act to make Sinhala the official lang. of Sri Lanka
  • Govt. favoured Sinhala speakers in jobs and admissions
  • New constitution stated that Govt. shall protect and foster Buddhism.

What was the impact of majoritarianism on Tamil speakers in SL? ?

  • Feeling of alienation.
  • They felt that govt. and major parties don’t care about their language and culture.
  • They felt that govt. and constitution denied Right to Equality.

What was the reactions of Tamils in Sri Lanka? ?

  • They formed their own parties and launched strikes for equality
  • Their demands of autonomy were denied
  • Demands of seperate country (North-East)
  • Civil War
    • This caused a major setback in the socio-economic and cultural life of the country.