
Myopia is also known as near-sightedness. This is when a person cannot see the distant objects but can see the nearby objects. This happens because the image is formed in front of the retina. The far point gets pushed near.

Pasted image 20230801213923.png where O’ is the far point of normal eye and O is the far point of the myopic eye.


This defect can be caused by:

  • increased curvature of the lens
  • increased length of the eyeball


A myopic eye can be corrected using a concave lens.


Defects of Vision


What is Myopia or Nearsightedness? Why does it happen? ? Myopia is also known as near-sightedness. This is when a person cannot see the distant objects but can see the nearby objects. This happens because the image is formed in front of the retina. The far point gets pushed near.

What are the causes of myopia? ? This defect can be caused by:

  • increased curvature of the lens
  • increased length of the eyeball

A myopic eye can be corrected using a {{concave lens}}.