
A democracy is:

  • Accountable: Answerable and explainable to the citizen for its decisions.
  • Responsive: A govt. is responsive towards the peoples needs and demands
  • Legitimate: The govt. is chosen by the people via legal and procedural means.


Democratic governments must be transparent about their decision making processes. Any individual can examine the process of decision making by filing an RTI (Right to Information).


Still many democracies “slack off” in their work to provide for the people. They fail to listen to the people and they sometimes refuse to be transparent. But, it is still our own government. Thus, despite all its flaws, democracy is the best form of govt. And it continues to muster support for itself


Outcomes of Democracy


What is a accountable, responsive and legitimate govt? ?

  • Accountable: Answerable and explainable to the citizen for its decisions.
  • Responsive: A govt. is responsive towards the peoples needs and demands
  • Legitimate: The govt. is chosen by the people via legal and procedural means.

What is transparency and how can citizens examine it? ? Democratic governments must be transparent about their decision making processes. Any individual can examine the process of decision making by filing an RTI (Right to Information).

Any individual can examine the process of decision making by filing an {{RTI}}