
Many single celled organisms reproduce asexually. They are neither male nor female.

Types of Asexual Reproduction




Which organisms reproduce by binary fission? ?

  • Amoeba (Irregular)
  • Leishmania (Longitudinal)
  • Plasmodium (Multiple Binary)

Which organisms reproduce by Fragmentation? ? Planaria

Which organisms reproduce by Regenaration? ? Hydra

Which organisms reproduce by Budding? ? Hydra, Yeast

Which organisms reproduce by Spore Formation? ? Rhizopus (Bread mould)

What are the types of Vegetative Propagation? ?

  • Artificial
    • Cutting, Grafting, Layering, etc.
  • Natural
    • Stem, leaves, roots, tubers, etc.

What are the benefits of Vegetative Propagation? ?

  • They grow faster
  • They are genetically identical to the parent
  • They can used to produced desired variant