
Multi-purpose Projects are dams build for multiple purpose such as: irrigation, power generation, fish breeding, etc.


Jawaharlal Nehru called dams the ‘temples of modern India’.

  • Help to control flood
  • Check soil erosion
  • Provide water for irrigation and drinking purpose
  • Generate electricity for industries, villages, cities
  • Provide inland navigation
  • Help in preservation of wildlife and development or fisheries.


  • Mass displacement of local communities
  • Poor sediment flow and affecting of natural flow of stream
  • Habitat loss for aquatic life.
  • Submerges existing vegetation and leads to soil decomposition

Important movements: Narmada Bachao (Sardar Sarovar), Tehri Bachao, etc.


Water Resources


What are the advantages of Multi Purpose Projects? ?

  • Help to control flood
  • Check soil erosion
  • Provide water for irrigation and drinking purpose
  • Generate electricity for industries, villages, cities
  • Provide inland navigation
  • Help in preservation of wildlife and development or fisheries.

What are the disadvantages of Multi Purpose Projects? ?

  • Mass displacement of local communities
  • Poor sediment flow and affects the natural flow of stream
  • Habitat loss for aquatic life.
  • Submerges existing vegetation and leads to soil decomposition
  • Increased salinity of soil.