
The ethnic composition of Belgium is really complex.


  • 59% of the people live in Dutch-speaking Flemish region.
  • 40% of the people live in the French-speaking Walloon region.
  • 1% of the people live in German speaking region.

In Brussels

  • 80% of the people speak French.
  • 20% of the people speak Dutch.


Pasted image 20230405215001.png 🟨- Flemish Region (Dutch) 🟧- Brussels - Capital 🟥- Walloon Region (French) 🟦- German Speaking


Belgium and Sri Lanka


Dutch people lived in the {{Flemish}} region

French people lived in the {{Walloon}} region

Ethnic Composition of Belgium? ?

  • 59% of the people live in Dutch-speaking Flemish region.
  • 40% of the people live in the French-speaking Walloon region.
  • 1% of the people live in German speaking region.

Ethnic Composition in the Capital of Belgium? ?

  • 80% of the people speak French.
  • 20% of the people speak Dutch.

Label the regions on Belgium 500 ? 🟨- Flemish Region (Dutch) 🟧- Brussels - Capital 🟥- Walloon Region (French) 🟦- German Speaking