
These reforms can be taken into account to counter the challenges faced by the parties.

  1. Public display of Personal Information of Politicians: Their qualification, income source, property, criminal cases, etc. are collected and displayed to the public so that they know who they are voting for.
  2. Parties must hold regular organisational elections and file their taxes as per the Election Commission
  3. Against Defection: MPs and MLAs now cannot change parties as per Supreme Court, or he/she will lose their seat.
  4. Reservation for Women: Parties should reserve 1/3 seats for women, and now it has also been adapted.
  5. State government should support party elections by providing costs in forms of petrol, paper, telephone, etc.
  6. A law should be made to regulate the affairs of the parties. An independent body should govern the inner party elections, and they should keep a register.


Civics Ch4


What are the reforms needed by political parties? ?

  1. Public display of Personal Information of Politicians: Their qualification, income source, property, criminal cases, etc. are collected and displayed to the public so that they know who they are voting for.
  2. Parties must hold regular organisational elections and file their taxes as per the Election Commission
  3. Against Defection: MPs and MLAs now cannot change parties as per Supreme Court, or he/she will lose their seat.
  4. Reservation for Women: Parties should reserve 1/3 seats for women, and now it has also been adapted.
  5. State government should support party elections by providing costs in forms of petrol, paper, telephone, etc.
  6. A law should be made to regulate the affairs of the parties. An independent body should govern the inner party elections, and they should keep a register.