
Buccal Cavity consists of teeth, tongue and salivary gland. It breaks the food into smaller parts and is wetted.

Carbohydrates are broken down into glucose and maltose by Salivary Amylase. (Almost 40-60% is broken down.) Why? Because it breaks down Amylose which is present in starch, and starch is a type of Carbohydrate.


Breaks down food by chewing.

Types of Teeth


Contains papillae (taste buds)

Salivary Gland


Digestive System


What is buccal cavity? ? Buccal Cavity consists of teeth, tongue and salivary glands. It breaks the food into smaller parts and is wetted.

What does teeth do? ? Breaks down food by chewing.

What does tongue contain? ? Contains papillae (taste buds)

Role of buccal cavity;;Breaks down 40-60% Carbohydrates by Salivary Amylase and chewing.