
Blood is a heterogenous liquid which contains RBCs, WBCs, Platelets in a fluid medium called Plasma

Components of Blood


Red Blood Cells contain Haemoglobin which helps in transferring oxygen.


These are the cells which produce immunity for the body. These are of various types: Monocytes, Lymphocytes, Basophils, etc.


These are important for clotting. There are total 12 clotting factors which work in a cascade event.


55-60% of blood comprises of plasma which is made up of mostly water.

Transferring of materials

Oxygen is transferred through haemoglobin (oxyhaemoglobin) whereas Carbon dioxide is transferred in its dissolved from through plasma.

  • Carbon Monoxide efficiently bonds with haemoglobin


Transportation in Humans Lymphatic System Heart


What are RBCs?;;Red Blood Cells contain Haemoglobin which helps in transferring oxygen.

What are WBCs?;;These are the cells which produce immunity for the body. These are of various types: Monocytes, Lymphocytes, Basophils, etc.

What does lymphocytes produce?;;Antibodies

What are platelets?;;These are important for clotting. There are total 12 clotting factors which work in a cascade event.

What is plasma?;;Plasma is the fluid like medium for blood in which cells are suspended. This is mostly made up of water.

How is oxygen transferred through blood?;;It is transferred via haemoglobin. It bonds and forms oxyhaemoglobin.

How is carbon dioxide moved through blood?;;It is transferred in its dissolved from in the plasma.