
Stomach is a J shaped Organ, which expands as food enters it.

Functions of Stomach

Storage of Food

Because the food is processed batch by batch and it takes time.

Mixing of Food with Digestive Juices

The muscular walls of the stomach help in mixing the food with digestive juices.

Mechanical Churning

Regulation and flow of food into small intestine

By the pyloric sphincter.

Partial digestion

This is done by the gastric glands present in the wall of the stomach. These produce Hydrochloric Acid which is used to create an acidic medium to activate the enzyme Pepsin. Mucus is produced to protect the inner lining of the stomach from the acid.

The food in the stomach is then moved to the Small Intestine by the pyloric sphincter


Digestive System


What is stomach?;;Stomach is a J shaped Organ, which expands as food enters it.

What are the functions of stomach? ?

Storage of Food

Because the food is processed batch by batch and it takes time.

Mixing of Food with Digestive Juices

The muscular walls of the stomach help in mixing the food with digestive juices.

Mechanical Churning

Regulation and flow of food into small intestine

By the pyloric sphincter.

Partial digestion

This is done by the gastric glands present in the wall of the stomach. These produce Hydrochloric Acid which is used to create an acidic medium to activate the enzyme Pepsin. Mucus is produced to protect the inner lining of the stomach from the acid.

How is digestion done in the stomach? ? This is done by the gastric glands present in the wall of the stomach. These produce Hydrochloric Acid which is used to create an acidic medium to activate the enzyme Pepsin. Mucus is produced to protect the inner lining of the stomach from the acid.

What does HCl do in the stomach?;;Breaks down pepsinogen to pepsin (activates it).

What does mucus do in the stomach?;;Protects the inner lining of the stomach from the acid.

What regulates the flow of food from the stomach to the small intestine?;;The Pyloric Sphincter.