
Increase of Nationalism

Liberalism and nationalism became popular as conservative rulers came into power. This led to the upheaval in France (1830) and it again became a constitutional monarchy. Metternich stated, “When France sneezes, rest of the Europe gets cold” Why? Because France was politically very influential because of which July Revolution had happened which resulted in Belgium breaking away from Netherlands. Meanwhile, the growth of nationalism had sparked the struggle of independence in Greece which had been a part of Ottoman Empire since the 15th century. The Greek nationalists got support from Western Europeans and Greeks in exile. Greece was coined “Cradle of European Civilisation”. And finally it got its independence through the Treaty of Constantinople (1832).


What was the result of July Revolution?;;Belgium breaking away from Netherlands.

How did Greece gain its independence?;;Treaty of Constantinople (1832)

Why did Metternich state, “When France sneezes, rest of the Europe gets cold”? ? Because France was politically very influential because of which **July Revolution had happened which resulted in Belgium breaking away from Netherlands

Greece was coined {{“Cradle of European Civilisation”}}


Idea of nationalism was spread with an emphasis to logic and scientific temple by the educated liberals, but the majority of the population was too illiterate to comprehend what was happening. Romanticism glorified people’s emotions and intuitions to spread the idea of nationalism. It was a cultural movement which criticised logic and scientific temper. Johann Gottfried Herder collected folk songs, poetry, dances of Germany end published it to recover the nationalist spirit in the people. That is how culture: literature, music, plays, etc helped spread nationalism. Karol Kurpinski celebrated the struggle with his operas and music and turning folk dances into nationalist symbols. The brothers Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm spent 6 years travelling village to village collecting folk tales. They saw the French domination as a threat to the German culture and believed that the folktales they had collected as a part of the struggle to oppose the French domination in creating German national identity.

The nationalist feelings were kept alive through music and language in Poland. It didn’t exist as an independent territory. The Russian language was imposed everywhere in Poland after Russian occupation, yet the members of the clergy continued using Polish, which resulted in their punishment. The use of Polish was a symbol of struggle against the Russian domination.


What is Romanticism?;;Romanticism was a cultural movement which criticized logic and scientific temper and glorified people’s emotions and intuitions.

How was nationalism kept alive in Poland? What was there symbol of struggle against Russians? ? The nationalist feelings were kept alive through music and language in Poland. The use of Polish was a symbol of struggle against the Russian Domination. Karol Kurpinski celebrated the struggle with his music and operas and by turning folkdances into nationalist symbols.

What did Grimm Brothers do? ? The brothers Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm spent 6 years travelling village to village collecting folk tales. They saw the French domination as a threat to the German culture and believed that the folktales they had collected as a part of the struggle to oppose the French domination in creating German national identity.

Peasant Protest and F.R v2

Meanwhile, the 1830s were of great economic hardship for Europe due to rise in population, less vacancies and competition from machine made imported goods. The peasants struggled over feudal dues and taxes under conservative regime. Food shortages and unemployment brought out the people of Paris in 1848. The National Assembly proclaimed Republic, suffrage was granted for all meals above 21 years, workshops were set to provide employment and Louis Philippe was forced to flee.


What was the outcome of 1848 Revolution in France? ?

  • National Assembly proclaimed Republic.
  • Suffrage for males above 21.
  • Right to work
  • National workshops were set to provide employment.

The 1830s were of great economic hardship for Europe due to{{ rise in population, less vacancies and competition from machine made imported goods}}.

The peasants struggled over {{feudal dues and taxes}} under conservative regime.

{{Food shortages and unemployment}} brought out the people of Paris in 1848.

The Frankfurt Assembly

The middle class in central Europe took advantage of the disturbance and proceeded to push their demands on creating nations. In the German region, political associations gathered in Frankfurt to form the German National Assembly. First held at Saint Paul’s on 18 May 1848, it drafted a constitution with monarchy as a subject. But when offered to Frederick Wilhelm IV, he rejected it. The parliament was soon disbanded because they did not listen to the demands of the common people.


What are the parliamentary principles?;;Constitution, Freedom of Press, Freedom of Association.

Where was the German National Assembly held first?;;The Church of St. Paul.

Write about the events of the Frankfurt Assembly. ?

  • In the German region, political associations gathered in Frankfurt to form the German National Assembly
  • It was first held in the church of St. Paul’s on 18 May 1848
  • It drafted US constitution with monarchy as a subject.
  • When offered to Frederick Wilhelm IV, he rejected it, and joined forces with other aristocrats.
  • Parliament consisted mainly of the middle class who refused to listen to the demands of the common people.
  • And soon, it was disband via the military.

When was the Frankfurt Assembly first held?;;18 May 1848

Conservatives and Nationalism.

The conservatives could not restore the old order due to the liberal movements. They realised that they have to give concessions to the nationalists in order to stop the revolutions. Thus, post-1848, monarchies adopted the idea of nationalism and introduced changes which had already been introduced before 1815. Why? Because they wanted to maintain their power and realised that modernisation could actually be ideal for them. Meanwhile, the contribution of women in the liberal movements in Germany had always been significant since the beginning, yet they were denied basic rights such as suffrage and were designated as mere observers in the gallery of the parliament.


Why did aristocracy adopt the ideas of nationalism and introduced changes which had already been introduced before 1815?;;Because they wanted to maintain their power and realised that modernisation could actually be ideal for them.


The Rise of Nationalism in Europe