
Charge is a property of matter. It can be negative or positive. There cannot be a zero-charge. If it is neutral, the amount of negative and positive charges are equal

  • It is denoted by Q

SI Unit

It is measured in Coulombs (C)

Charge of Electrons

Flow of Electrons in a Circuit

The flow of electrons is from negative to positive (since there is more concentration of electrons in the negative terminal because electrons are negatively charged). But the flow of current is conventionally from Positive to Negative.


where n is the number of electrons and e is




What is charge? And how is it denoted? ? Charge is a property of matter. It can be negative or positive. There cannot be a zero-charge. If it is neutral, the amount of negative and positive charges are equal

  • It is denoted by Q

Charge is measured in {{Coulombs (C)}}

One electron equals to {{ C}}

One Coulomb equals to {{ e}}

The flow of electrons is from {{negative to positive}}

The flow of current is from {{Positive to Negative}}

Q = {{ne}}