
Factors of Economical growth

  • Population and their productivity and efficiency.
  • Global Situation
  • Cooperation with other countries
  • Economic Priorities/ Policies of the country (Trade Barriers)

Eco Growth difference between Dictatorships and Democracies

  • The difference of economic growth between the dictatorships and democracies is negligible (~0.6%)
  • Democracy has more positive outcomes that dictatorships.
  • Democracy doesn’t guarantee economic growth, but it depends on the people.


Outcomes of Democracy


What are the factors that economic growth depend on? ?

  • Population and their productivity and efficiency.
  • Global Situation
  • Cooperation with other countries
  • Economic Priorities/ Policies of the country (Trade Barriers)

Difference between the eco growth of dictatorships and democracies: ?

  • The difference of economic growth between the dictatorships and democracies is negligible (~0.6%)
  • Democracy has more positive outcomes that dictatorships.
  • Democracy doesn’t guarantee economic growth, but it depends on the people.