
They indicate whether a substance is acidic, basic or neutral. They can be either natural or synthetic.

Acid-Base Indicators (Colour Changing)

They change colour when in contact with the appropriate substance.

Litmus Paper must be moistened before using.

Pasted image 20230804222115.png

Olfactory Indicators (Smell Changing)

They change smell when in contact with appropriate substance Pasted image 20230804222339.png Bases remove the smell often.




What are indicators? ? They indicate whether a substance is acidic, basic or neutral. They can be either natural or synthetic.

What are the types of indicators? ? Based on origin, they can be Natural or Synthetic. Based on characteristics, they can be Colour changing or Olfactory.

Indicator Quiz

Acid turns {{Blue Litmus Red}}

Base Turns {{Red litmus Blue}}

The smell of clove oil, vanilla essence, and onion disappears in reaction with {{base}}.

Acid turns Turmeric {{Yellow}}

Base turns turmeric {{Red}}

Acid Turns Methyl Orange {{Red}}

Base turns Methyl Orange {{Yellow}}

Acid turns Phenolphthalein {{colorless}}

Base turns Phenolphthalein {{pink}}