
Properties of ethanol

  • Liquid at room temperature (MP- 156K, BP - 351K)
  • Good solvent, used in medicines and cough syrup
  • Causes drunkenness when drunk in diluted amount
  • Pure ethanol (absolute alcohol) is lethal
  • Soluble in water with all proportions.

Reactions involving ethanol (alcohol)


Why sodium takes place of hydrogen.

The bond of OH is weak, oxygen has more stake in the electron sharing. But when it finds someone more “reactive” or “bigger”, it tries to bond with them. Since is always trying to be , thus it successfully binds with it and forms a sodium alkoxide.

Dehydrating Agent

Denatured alcohol

Ethanol is made poisonous by adding substances like methanol to it and blue dye is add so that people can I identify it and not be harmed.


Chemical Properties of Organic Compounds


What are the properties of ethanol? ?

  • Liquid at room temperature (MP- 156K, BP - 351K)
  • Good solvent, used in medicines and cough syrup
  • Causes drunkenness when drunk in diluted amount
  • Pure ethanol (absolute alcohol) is lethal
  • Soluble in water with all proportions.

Reaction of alcohol (ethanol) to get unsaturated hydrocarbon? ?

Alcohol (Ethanol) with Sodium reaction ?