
We humans also reproduce sexually. We have separate organs for reproduction. These organs start to mature in the period of adolescence known as Puberty.

Female Reproductive System


The Working

The ovaries produce an egg every month. And there’s a process to it. Every month, the uterus prepares for childbirth.

  • The inner lining of the uterus gets thick and spongey.

If the egg doesn’t fertilise

The inner linings, blood vessels along with mucus comes out of the vagina. This is called menstruation

If egg fertilises

And embryo is formed which develops into a foetus. A tissue named placenta acts as the mediator between the two bodies to provide nutrition from the mother’s blood. After 9 months, a baby is born. Placenta contains DNA of both the mother and the child. Interesting.

Male Reproductive System


The Working

  • Sperms are produced in testes
  • It travels via Vas Deferens and joins to the Urethra
  • The Seminal Vesicles adds fluid which is high in fructose to provide energy,
  • The prostate gland gives the semen a alkaline buff to survive in acidic pH of the vagina.
  • Splurt!


Sexual Reproduction


What is the function of seminal vesicles? ? The Seminal Vesicles adds fluid which is high in fructose to provide energy,

What is the function of prostate glands? ? The prostate gland gives the semen a alkaline buff to survive in acidic pH of the vagina\

The function of placenta? ? Placenta acts as the mediator between the two bodies to provide nutrition from the mother’s blood. After 9 months, a baby is born.