
DNA is the blueprint of any cells. It contains information on how the cells will be made and what characteristics will that possess. It is present in the nuclei.

Forms of DNA

  • Gene: a functional part of DNA, each gene contains information about a certain characteristic
  • Chromatin: DNA in unorganised stranded form
  • Chromosome: Chromatin in a coiled and compressed form.

Coding Elements

DNA Code is formed of these things:

  • A: Adenosine
  • T: Thymine
  • G: Guanine
  • C: Cytosine

They are formed like “AATGCCTTAA”




What is DNA? ? DNA is the blueprint of any cells. It contains information on how the cells will be made and what characteristics will that possess. It is present in the nuclei.

What are the forms of DNA? ?

  • Gene: a functional part of DNA, each gene contains information about a certain characteristic
  • Chromatin: DNA in unorganised stranded form
  • Chromosome: Chromatin in a coiled and compressed form.