s# Definition / Flashcards

Food Crops




  • Staple food in India
  • Kharif Crop
  • Requires high temperature (<25C)
  • Annual rainfall >100cm
  • Grown in N-NE, coastal and deltaic regions.


? Second most important cereal crop. Main food crop in north-west India

  • Rabi Crop
  • Needs cool temperature and bright sunlight.
  • Annual rainfall 50-75cm
  • Grown in Ganga-Satluj plains, black soil region in Deccan
    • Punjab, Haryana, UP, Bihar, RJ, MP



  • Jowar, Bajra, Ragi
  • Coarse grains but high nutritional value.
  • It is rainfed (hardly needs irrigation)



  • Food + Fodder
  • Kharif Crop
  • Requires between 21-27C
  • Grows well in old alluvial soil.
  • Grown in: Karnataka, UP, Bihar, AP, Telangana, MP



  • India is the largest producer as well as consumers.
  • Source of protein
  • Pulses: Arhar, Urad, moong, masur, peas and gram.
  • Need less moisture
  • Leguminous Nitrogen fixation
  • Grown in: MP, UP, RJ, MH, Karnataka

Other than Grain



  • Tropical and Subtropical Crop
  • Hot and Humid climate; 21-27C
  • Annual rainfall 75-100cm.
  • Needs manual labour and can be grown in many regions.
  • Source for sugar, gur, khandsari and molasses.
  • Grown in- UP, MH, KT, TN, AP, TL, Bihar, Punjab and Haryana
  • India is Second largest producer after Brazil

Oil Seeds


  • 12% of total cropped area
  • Main oilseeds are
    • Groundnut
    • Til
    • Mustard
    • Coconut
    • Linseed
    • Sunflower


  • Kharif Crop
  • Gujarat Largest produced



  • Plantation
  • Tropical and Sub-tropical
  • Requires warm, moist and frost-free climate
  • Deep, well drained and fertile soill
  • Grown in- Assam, Darjeeling, TN, HP, WK, AP, Tripura, Meghalaya



  • Arabica coffee initially brought from Yemen.
  • Grown in- Nilgiri in Karnataka, Kerala, TN

Horticulture Crops


  • Second largest producer
  • Temperate and Tropical Fruits are produced.
  • Produces 13% of world’s vegetables

Non-Food Crops



  • Equatorial Crop, but also grown in tropical and subtropical regions.
  • Moist and Humid Climate (>25C)
  • Annual Rainfall >200cm
  • Grown in- Kerala, TN, Karnataka, A&N Islands, Garo Hills

Fibre Crops

? Cotton, Jute, Hemp, and natural silk.

  • The rearing of silk is known as {{sericulture}}



  • Grows well in Black Cotton Soil of the Deccan Plateau.
  • High Temperature, 210 frost-free days, and bright sunlight and light rainfall
  • Kharif Crop
  • Grown in- MH, Gujarat, MP, Karnataka, AP, Tl, TN, Punjab, Haryana, UP



  • Known as golden Fibre
  • Well-drained fertile soils in the flood plains.
  • High temperature
  • Grown in- WB, Assam, Odisha and Meghalaya
  • Used for making gunny bags, mats, ropes, yarn, and carpets.
  • High Cost

