
Restructuring the Central-State relationship is a contributing factor to the success of federalism in India.

  • For a long time, one party ruled in both Central and State level after independence (Congress). This prevented the States to exercise autonomy.
  • In those states where the ruling parties were different, the central government would misuse the constitution to dismiss the government of said states. This undermined the spirit of federalism.
  • After 1990, no single party got the majority in Lok Sabha elections. Thus, the parties had to form a coalition government. Hence, the coalition era had started.
  • This led to a new culture of power-sharing and respect for the political autonomy of the state governments.
  • Supreme Court also made it harder for the Central govt. to dismiss the State governments via a major judgement.

Thus the power sharing in India is more effective than it was after independence.

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Practices of Federalism in India


Write about the central-state relationship after independence in India ?

  • For a long time, one party ruled in both Central and State level after independence (Congress). This prevented the States to exercise autonomy.
  • In those states where the ruling parties were different, the central government would misuse the constitution to dismiss the government of said states. This undermined the spirit of federalism.
  • After 1990, no single party got the majority in Lok Sabha elections. Thus, the parties had to form a coalition government. Hence, the coalition era had started.
  • This led to a new culture of power-sharing and respect for the political autonomy of the state governments.
  • Supreme Court also made it harder for the Central govt. to dismiss the State governments via a major judgement.

When did the coalition era start?;;After 1990.