
Different categories of people seek different development goals.


Because we all possess different needs. For example, the urban kids may want a car, or a bike whereas poor kids from rural areas may want food, or education.

A development goal for one may or may not be the same for the other, and it may even be destructive.


For example, industrialists want to create dams, but it may displace the people living in the area, which creates a conflict. Again, as stated above, what one seeks, may or may not be relevant to the other.


People have development goals, which are either common, or different or conflicting.


Eco Ch1


Different categories of people seek different development goals. Why? ? Because we all possess different needs. For example, the urban kids may want a car, or a bike whereas poor kids from rural areas may want food, or education.

”A development goal for one may or may not be the same for the other, and it may even be destructive.” Comment. ? What one seeks, may or may not be relevant to the other and it may even be conflicting. For example, industrialists want to create dams, but it may displace the people living in the area, which creates a conflict.