
Why conserve minerals?

  • Minerals are the base of our agriculture and Industries.
  • Are finite and non-renewable.
  • The stock is very limited.
  • The total deposits is an insignificant fraction i.e. one percent of the earth’s crust.
  • Takes millions of years to be created and concentrated.
  • We are rapidly consuming mineral resources

How to conserve mineral resources?

  • Low wastage during mining and excavation.
  • As far as possible use wood or plastic (Certified).
  • As far as possible use wood or plastic (Certified).
  • Reuse the junk waste and old things.
  • Recycle metals, use scrap metals and search other substitute.
  • Use in a planned and sustainable manner.


Minerals and Ores


Why conserve minerals? ?

  • Minerals are the base of our agriculture and Industries.
  • Are finite and non-renewable.
  • The stock is very limited.
  • The total deposits is an insignificant fraction i.e. one percent of the earth’s crust.
  • Takes millions of years to be created and concentrated.
  • We are rapidly consuming mineral resources