
  • There is no National Language
  • Hindi is the official language of India, along with English.
  • There are 22 scheduled languages recognised by the constitution.
    • Candidates can opt for any of these languages for examinations.
  • States have their own official language.
  • English acts as the medium of communication between Centre and State, and between Inter-state.

The promotion of Hindi still continues to be a policy of the constitution, but the Central Government can’t impose Hindi on any state that do not speak natively.

According to the constitution, the use of English as the official language was to be stopped by 1965, but non-Hindi speakers opposed to do so. The Central Government agreed to use Hindi and English as the official language.


Practices of Federalism in India


What is the language policy in India? ?

  • There is no National Language
  • Hindi is the official language of India, along with English.
  • There are 22 scheduled languages recognised by the constitution.
    • Candidates can opt for any of these languages for examinations.
  • States have their own official language.
  • English acts as the medium of communication between Centre and State, and between Inter-state.

There are {{22}} scheduled languages recognised by the constitution.

Why is English still used as a official medium of communication in India? ? According to the constitution, the use of English as the official language was to be stopped by 1965, but non-Hindi speakers opposed to do so. The Central Government agreed to use Hindi and English as the official language.