
There are two types of farming that take place in Agriculture

Subsistence Farming

This is done to suffice the needs of the people that produce the crops. This is for the consumption between themselves and not for profit.

Primitive Subsistence Farming

This is done by traditional slash-and-burn means. Also called as jhumming

  • This is where people burn a small patch of land and produce and move on to another patch when the fertility decreases.
  • The con here is that it is major constituent to reducing the fertility of the soil.
  • The land productivity is low as farmers don’t use fertilisers or modern techniques.

Intensive Subsistence Farming

This is where people try to produce the crops as efficiently as possible for the maximum output in low area.

  • This is done in areas of high population where the land sizes of individuals are small.
  • Fertilisers, modern tools and labour and other means are used to improve production.

Commercial Farming

This is done for the sole purpose of profit. Mostly in areas like Haryana and Punjab where the production of crops is high.

  • This type of farming involves higher doses of modern farming techniques like fertilizers, HYVs, irrigation, etc.

Regional differences

There maybe difference in the commercialisation of crops based on region. For example, rice is a commercial crop in Punjab, whereas it is a subsistence crop in Odisha.


These are also a type of commercial farming where a single crop is produced in a large area.

  • It requires a lot capital and labour and the production is used as raw materials for industry.
  • Examples:
    • Tea in Assam and WB
    • Coffee in Karnataka




What are the two types of farming economically? ? Subsistence Farming: for consumption Commercial Farming: for profit

What is Primitive Subsistence Farming? ? This is done by traditional slash-and-burn means. Also called as jhumming

  • This is where people burn a small patch of land and produce and move on to another patch when the fertility decreases.
  • The con here is that it is major constituent to reducing the fertility of the soil.
  • The land productivity is low as farmers don’t use fertilisers or modern techniques.

What is Intensive Subsistence Farming? ? This is where people try to produce the crops as efficiently as possible for the maximum output in low area.

  • This is done in areas of high population where the land sizes of individuals are small.
  • Fertilisers, modern tools and labour and other means are used to improve production.

What is commercial farming? ? This is done for the sole purpose of profit. Mostly in areas like Haryana and Punjab where the production of crops is high.

  • This type of farming involves higher doses of modern farming techniques like fertilizers, HYVs, irrigation, etc.