
Middle of 18th Century and Habsburg Empire

There were no nation-states in the mid-18th century. The Eastern and Central Europe was under monarchial rule and with a diverse population which showed no sense of unity due to their differences. One of the example is the Habsburg Empire with ruled over Austria and neighbours. It was just a patchwork of people. Each region of the empire had different languages and cultures. The only tie binding these people were the common allegiance to the emperor.


{{Habsburg Empire }}with ruled over Austria and neighbours.

The only tie binding the people in the Habsburg Empire were the {{common allegiance to the emperor}}.

Emergence of Conservatives and Liberals

Two groups of different political ideologies appeared after the French Revolution, namely Liberals and Conservatives. Conservatives were small in number but very powerful due to the societal hierarchy. Liberals which were made up of the working class which emerged due to Industrialisation in England, had different aspirations, politically they wanted freedom, suffrage, right to property, consensual form of the government and economically free market and no restrictions of the state.


Why were conservatives small in number but powerful?;;Because of the social hierarchy

What led to the emergence of Liberals and what class were they comprised of?;;They emerged due to the industrialisation in England and they mainly consisted of the working class.

What were the different aspirations of Liberals? ? Politically, they wanted

  • Freedom
  • Suffrage
  • Right to Property
  • Consensual form of governmeny Economically, they wanted
  • a free market
  • No restrictions from the state on trading.

The Zollverein

The confederation of 39 states created by Napoleon’s Reign had many currencies, weights and measures which proved obstacles for trade and economic growth. In 1834, a customs union or Zollverein was formed which abolished tariff barriers and reduced the no. of currencies to 2. This made nationalist sentiments stronger.


What was the Zollverein and when was it formed? ? It was the German customs union formed in 1834 to abolish the tariff barriers and reduction of the currencies to 2 in the confederation of 39 states. This made the nationalist sentiments stronger.

The confederation of 39 states created by Napoleon’s Reign had many currencies, weights and measures which proved obstacles for {{trade and economic growth}}.


A new wave of conservatism had spread after 1815. Conservatives now understood that modernisation could be ideal for them. A congress consisting of the European powers- Britain, Russia, Prussia ad Austria, hosted by Duke Metternich sat together to plan out a settlement for Europe in 1815. They drew up the Treaty of Vienna (1815) with the main objective to undo the Napoleonic changes and re-establish conservative order and monarchy. These regimes couldn’t tolerate criticism, imposed censorship and denied freedom of press.


Why did a new wave of conservatism spread after 1815? ? After Napoleon was defeated, conservatives did not want the feelings of nationalism to spread, so they tried to brute force and suppress the people by trying to re-establish the conservative order. They however understood that some amount of modernisation could actually help them to keep their power intact and be beneficial to them.

The Revolutionaries

Due to oppression, liberals went underground after 1815. Secret-societies were made to train revolutionaries who wanted the creation of nations. One of them was Giuseppe Mazzini, born in Genoa (1807). He was a member of Carbonari and sent to exile at 24. He founded Young Italy and Young Europe. He believed that God wanted nations to exist. He was considered as the most dangerous enemy of the conservative order by Duke Metternich.


Due to {{oppression}}, liberals went underground after 1815.

What were secret-societies? ? These were created to train the revolutionaries who wanted to create nations. For example, Young Italy (formed by Giuseppe Mazzini)


The Rise of Nationalism in Europe