
Pasted image 20230827201547.png The Human Brain has three parts, namely


It contains

Functions of the Forebrain

  • Stores information (Memory)
  • Thinking
  • Controlling the vision, hunger and hearing
  • Receives sensory information
  • Controlling voluntary movements


It forms a relationship between theForebrain and theHindbrain. Also controls the reflex of eyes and ears


It contains

Spinal Cord

Protection of Brain and Spinal Cord

  • Brain - Protected by the Cranium and Cerebrospinal fluid
  • Spinal Cord - Protected by the vertebral column.


Bio Ch6


What is the brain? ? It is a part of the Central Nervous System. It is the main organ responsible for carrying out the decision making process.

What is the forebrain and its functions? ? It contains

Functions of the Forebrain

  • Stores information (Memory)
  • Thinking
  • Controlling the vision, hunger and hearing
  • Receives sensory information
  • Controlling voluntary movements

What is the midbrain? ? It forms a relationship between theForebrain and theHindbrain. Also controls the reflex of eyes and ears

What is the hindbrain? ?

How is the brain and spinal cord protected? ?

  • Brain - Protected by the Cranium and Cerebrospinal fluid
  • Spinal Cord - Protected by the vertebral column.