
The Making of Germany

The liberal initiative of creating nations was suppressed and adopted by the aristocracy. Prussia took the initiative under the lead of Otto von Bismarck. The movement was carried out with the help of bureaucracy and army. Prussia fought three wars over seven years with Austria, Denmark and France and completed the unification. In 1871, an assembly gathered in the Hall of Mirrors at the Palace of Versailles to proclaim the new German empire, headed by the King Kaiser Williams I. Germany became a constitutional monarchy which emphasized on modernization, banking, currency, legal and judicial systems.


Who took the lead of uniting the German Empire?;;Otto von Bismarck

Who was Prussia in war with for unification;;Austria, Denmark and France for 7 years.

When and where was the new German Empire proclaimed and who was the head?;;In 1871, an assembly gathered in the Hall of Mirrors at the Palace of Versailles to proclaim the new German empire, headed by the King Kaiser Williams I.

What did the new German Empire emphasised on?;;Germany became a constitutional monarchy which emphasized on modernization, banking, currency, legal and judicial systems.

Making of Italy

In the middle of 18th century Italy was divided into seven states. In 1830s, Giuseppe Mazzini put together a program to unify Italy and attempted a revolt in Liguaria (1831) and failed. It came to King Victor Emmanuel II to unify the states through war. An unified Italy meant political dominance and economical development to the elites. Chief Minister Cavour, who led the movement was neither a Democrat not a revolutionary but timid. He forged diplomatic alliances with France and defeated Austria in 1859. Giuseppe Garibaldi joined forces and won the South Italy and Kingdom of Two Sicillies in 1860. In 1861, Victor Emmanuel II was proclaimed the king of united Italy. Yet most of the commoners did not understand the concept of “nation” and “Italia”.


What did an unified Italy mean to the elites?;;An unified Italy meant political dominance and economical development to the elites

Describe CM Cavour;;Chief Minister Cavour, who led the movement was neither a Democrat not a revolutionary but timid. He forged diplomatic alliances with France and defeated Austria in 1859.

Giuseppe Garibaldi joined forces and won the South Italy and Kingdom of Two Sicilies in {{1860}}

Who was proclaimed the king of unified Italy and when?;;Victor Emmanuel II was proclaimed the king of the United Italy in 1861.

Why did the commoners not understand the concept of nation?;;Due to lack of literacy and understanding of logic. That is where culture and romanticism plays a role.

Making of British Nation

in the case of Britain, it was a long drawn process which started at 1215 when the power of monarchy was limited. The British Isles was occupied by England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland. But as England steadily grew, it extended its influence in the British Isles. In 1688, the English parliament had seized the power from the monarchies. The Act of Union in 1707 between England, Scotland and Wales meant the formation of United Kingdom of Great Britain. The British parliament was dominated by English members and the other cultures were suppressed. Meanwhile, Ireland was divided into Catholics and Protestants and the English helped the Protestants. After a failed revolt by Wolfe Tonne and his United Irishman in 1798, Ireland was forcibly incorporated into the United Kingdoms in 1801. The British nation was forced through the domination of the English culture and imperialism. The symbols of Britain are the Flag - Union Jack and National Anthem (God save our noble King).


When did the process of making a nation start in Britain?;;From 1215 when the power of monarchy was limited.

When was the English Parliament established and what did it accomplish?;;In 1688, the English parliament had seized the power from the monarchies.

What is the Act of Union?;;The Act of Union in 1707 between England, Scotland and Wales meant the formation of United Kingdom of Great Britain.

Ireland was divided into {{Catholics}} and {{Protestants}}.

How and when was Ireland incorporated into UK?;;In spite of the ongoing conflicts, after a failed revolt by Wolfe Tonne and his United Irishmen in 1798, Ireland was forcibly incorporated into the UK in 1801.

What are the symbols of the British nation?;;Flag - Union Jack and National Anthem (God save our noble King).

The British nation was forced through the {{domination of the English culture}}.


Hist Ch1