
Caste system leads to the exclusion and discrimination of the ‘outcaste’ groups, and that is why leaders (Jotiba Phule, Gandhi, Periyar, Ambedkar, etc.) wanted a state with no inequalities

Efforts to eradicate caste inequalities

Due to extreme urbanisation, industrialisation, occupational mobility, growth of economy, improvement in literacy, things have quite changed. The constitution also prescribes to ban untouchability and other discriminatory practices.


Even though there has been an effort, things are not over yet, untouchability is still practised. More over, the castes who have had access to education in the old system have advanced quite far as compared to the castes who did not have such access. That is why there is a large presence of ‘upper middle’ class in the society. Caste still continues to be linked with economic status.


Caste and Politics


Caste system leads to the {{exclusion and discrimination of the ‘outcaste’ groups}}

Who were the leaders who wanted a state with no caste inequalities? ? Jotiba Phule, Gandhi, Periyar, Ambedkar, etc.

How has the caste inequalities reduced? ? Due to extreme urbanisation, industrialisation, occupational mobility, growth of economy, improvement in literacy, things have quite changed. The constitution also prescribes to ban untouchability and other discriminatory practices.

What the aftermath of caste inequalities in India? ? Even though there has been an effort, things are not over yet, untouchability is still practised. More over, the castes who have had access to education in the old system have advanced quite far as compared to the castes who did not have such access. That is why there is a large presence of ‘upper middle’ class in the society. Caste still continues to be linked with economic status.