
We all have one development goal in common, which is to earn more income.

But we also want more respect, a sense of security, equal treatment, freedom, etc. These can’t be measured and are quite ignored. But this doesn’t mean that they are not important.

Our Quality of Life depends on…

Materialistic things like money are what we need to live a life, but that’s not it. We also need non-materialistic things like social treatment and human rights too. For example, we want our friends, because their friendship means something to us.

These non-materialistic things quite frankly may be more important than earning more income.


People seek a mix of development goals.


Eco Ch1


We all have one development goal in common, which is to {{earn more income}}.

What are the development goals apart from income, which we need?;;Respect, sense of security, equality, freedom, etc.

On what does our quality of life depend upon? ? Materialistic things like money are what we need to live a life, but that’s not it. We also need non-materialistic things like social treatment and human rights too. For example, we want our friends, because their friendship means something to us.

{{Non-materialistic}} things may be more important than earning more income.